February 27, 2025

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Why a Peaceful Morning Routine Changes Everything

I love a good morning routine. This small but powerful part of the day sets the tone for everything that follows—so why not aim to make it peaceful and productive? With a few intentional steps, you can create a morning routine that strengthens your soul, calms your mind, and prepares you to embrace the day—whether or not you consider yourself a morning person.

As homemakers, we juggle many responsibilities, and intentionality is essential for maintaining excellence and peace of mind. A solid morning routine is foundational to a smoothly running day. You could have the most beautifully organized planner, but without an effective morning routine, everything can quickly feel disjointed and overwhelming.

On the other hand, having a simple, instinctive set of morning habits allows you to ease into the day with purpose. When you establish a routine, even moving through it sleepily can gradually wake you up and prepare you for the good works the Lord has lovingly set before you. Small, well-thought-out habits in the morning can make a significant difference in how the rest of the day unfolds. I have experienced this firsthand, which is why I want to guide you through this process before moving on to other daily routines.

Morning Routines When Grieving: A Gentle Way to Find Stability

A few years ago, we lost our first baby during the first trimester—the first of three consecutive losses. I was heartbroken, disheveled, and longing for a sense of normalcy in our home. One day, I stumbled upon a video about morning routines after miscarriage (my introduction to Katie Voetberg). Between that video and a book I had treasured for years, I crafted my own morning routine and began implementing it the very next day. I repeated it the following day. And again, the day after that.

Doing this routine day after day helped lift the fog of grief. It was refreshing to put one foot in front of the other again. My morning routine laid the groundwork for a more peaceful and productive day, bringing greater order and enjoyment to our home. This pattern has continued to serve me well through different seasons of motherhood—postpartum, first trimester, sickness, and more.

In this post, I will help you consider the essential elements of a solid morning routine, guide you in crafting or refining one for yourself, and offer strategies to help you stick with it (and adjust it as needed) over time.

Creating Your Very Own Peaceful Morning Routine (With Practical Ideas)

So, where do we start? Some of you may already have a morning routine but feel it needs some tweaking. Others may have never given it much thought. Wherever you are in the process, this post is for you.

Before diving into the details, let’s brainstorm a bit. This is highly individualized, so take a moment to reflect. Grab a pen and paper and jot down your thoughts:

  • What does your dream morning feel like? (Calm, productive, slow, energized?)
  • What’s missing from your current morning that would make a big difference in your day?
  • What’s one thing that often throws off your morning? (Snoozing, distractions, lack of a plan, meandering?)

Keep your answers in mind as we walk through the next steps.

Step 1: Define Your Priorities

While we all share a common role as homemakers, we have unique personalities, preferences, and life seasons. Our morning routines will reflect that diversity. Here are a few questions to consider:

  • What do you want your mornings to focus on? In other words, what are your goals?
  • Identify must-have vs. nice-to-have activities.
  • How much time will you set aside for your morning routine? (15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour?)
  • Are you in a season of life with little ones and need a gentle start? Or do you wake up with energy and prefer to be productive right away?

Whatever your focus is, write down what matters most to you.

Step 2: Identify Core Morning Habits & Brainstorm Ideas

Now that you have clarity on your priorities, it’s time to define your core morning habits—the non-negotiables. What must you accomplish every morning? (Getting dressed, brushing your teeth, etc.) Write these down!

Next, think about what would make your mornings truly special. What habits would bring you joy, peace, or a sense of accomplishment? What could help your days run more smoothly? Write down two or three things you’d like to incorporate.

Here are some ideas to inspire you:

  • Wake up before the household for quiet time.
  • Journal or write in a baby book.
  • Drink a nutrient-dense smoothie.
  • Write a letter
  • Start a load of laundry.
  • Feed your sourdough starter.
  • Read a Psalm or Proverb.
  • Do a quick workout, stretching routine, or morning walk.
  • Learn a new skill or hobby.
  • Read one page of a book.
  • Scan your to-do list for the day.
  • Have a morning “power hour” for housework or meal prep.
  • Simply enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in quiet before your day begins.

Step 3: Put it All Together

Now that you have brainstormed your goals and habits, it’s time to structure your personalized morning routine.

Start small and be consistent.

  1. Set Your Wake-Up Time
  • Determine how much time you need for your routine.
  • Decide when your routine needs to be finished (e.g., when your children wake up).

2. Establish Your First Action

  • Write down something simple and quick to do immediately after waking (e.g., drink a glass of water, turn on a lamp, sit up in bed). The goal is to help you get out of bed as soon as your alarm clock goes off
  • Avoid hitting snooze!

3. List Your Core Morning Habits

  • Arrange your non-negotiables in a logical order.
  • Estimate how much time each task will take.

4. Incorporate Meaningful Extras

  • Now that you know how long your core habits take, fit in one or two meaningful additions.
  • Start small and be consistent.

Example Morning Routines

45-Minute Routine

  1. Drink a glass of water (~1 minute)
  2. Make the bed and clear off the nightstand (~2-3 minutes)
  3. Splash face with cold water (~1 minute)
  4. Brush teeth, skincare, and makeup (~10 minutes)
  5. Get dressed (~2-3 minutes)
  6. Bible reading and prayer (~20-30 minutes)

30-Minute Routine

6:30 AM – Wake up & drink water
6:40 AM – Devotional/journaling
6:50 AM – Light stretching or quick tidy-up
7:00 AM – Breakfast prep & family wake-up

60-Minute Routine

6:00 AM – Wake up & morning prayer
6:20 AM – Short workout
6:35 AM – Shower & get dressed
6:50 AM – Review tasks and start breakfast

Personally, I don’t watch the clock too closely. I see my routine as one small time block, anchored by my wake-up time. As long as I start on time, the rest falls into place (except when it doesn’t—and that’s okay!). time block in the morning. The wake up time is the most crucial anchor point for me. As long as I start on time, the rest of the morning goes as expected (except for when it doesn’t). My morning routine time block ends when its time for me to wake my children.

Implementing Your Morning Routine

Now, I want you to write this list on a small piece of paper, and put it somewhere that you will see it each morning. If you like to make things pretty, I created a free printable template that you can use for this. Having a visible morning routine checklist will help jog your memory as you become accustomed to your new morning routine (or having one in the first place). You can take it down once you’ve established these new habits and you can complete your routine without thinking!

Remember, the key to a successful morning routine is to start small and be consistent. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day or two – just get back on track and keep moving forward. With time and practice, you’ll find a routine that works for you and helps you achieve your goals.

 Prep for Success- Your morning routine starts at night

Yes, you read that right. In order for the morning to go smoothly, you have to start thinking about how to make that happen the night before. Ask yourself the question– what simple things could I do tonight to smooth out the path for the morning? The fewer decisions that you have to make (or items that you have to find), the smoother your morning will feel. Now that you have your morning routine written out, look at that and work backwards.

Here are some practical steps to set your peaceful and productive morning routine up for success:

  • Go to sleep at a reasonable time
  • Lay out your clothes
  • Make the coffee or fill the kettle (if you like to sip on a warm beverage in the morning)
  • Find whatever items you may be looking for in the morning. 
  • Check the calendar and make a quick to do list for the following day
  • Prepare for the next day’s tasks if it’s a full day
  • Set a wakeup time, and stick with it! 
  • Start your day with gratitude and prayer

Go to Sleep at a Reasonable Time

I’m a big believer in doing everything in your control to get adequate sleep at night (even if it’s interrupted by your precious children). Scientifically, it’s important to go to bed at a time that aligns with your natural circadian rhythm. You need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep, and it’s hormonally ideal to have lights out by 10 PM most nights.

Personally, I like to head toward bed with plenty of time to do my evening routine and then be in bed at least 30 minutes before lights out. I like to read to wind down. Yes, this takes self-discipline and consistency. But remember—if you say no to that one extra thing you want to squeeze in (one more show, one more chapter, etc.) in order to turn out the lights on time, you will be more rested and much more likely to have a smoother morning.

Lay Out Your Clothes

Do you like to work out first thing? Lay out your workout clothes. Do you feel more productive if you are “dressed for success”? Lay out a nice but comfortable outfit that gets you in the mood to be productive! Is it a cleaning day? Dress accordingly.

Make the Coffee or Fill the Kettle

This gives you one less “thing” that you have to do in the morning. It’s so delightful to just be able to press a button in the morning when you’re groggy. If you don’t already do this one, give it a try!

Find Items That You Need for the Morning 

Do you like to go straight to your quiet time after grabbing a warm beverage? Be sure your Bible, journal, book of choice, a pen, or whatever else you need is by your seat and easy to find. Bonus—set out a cozy blanket and a candle as well! Do you prefer to work out first? Pick out your workout the night before. Put your equipment in an easily accessible spot. Make it easy on your tired self the next day!

Check the Calendar and Make a Quick to Do List

This takes 1-2 minutes but helps the next day go smoothly. Knowing ahead of time what the next day holds removes surprises and helps you prepare the night before. I also like to go ahead and make my to-do list so I can hit the ground running the next day instead of deciding priorities in the middle of the day’s busyness.

Prepare For the Next Day’s Tasks

Taking the kiddos along for errands? Stock the diaper bag, bring snacks, lay out kids’ clothes and shoes, fill up water bottles, put package returns by the door or in the trunk, etc.

Set a Wakeup Time, and Stick With It! 

Do not hit that snooze button, as tempting as it may be. Instead, move immediately to the first simple item on your morning routine. Often, taking that first step creates a domino effect that keeps the momentum going.

Start Your Day with Gratitude and Prayer

Before diving into the tasks of the day, take quiet moment with the Lord. Express gratitude for a new day and spend a few quiet moments in prayer. Beginning the day with a grateful heart and setting your mind on what’s true can set the tone for everything that follows.

Tips for Sticking to Your Routine Long-Term

As you know, a peaceful and productive morning routine is only effective if you stick to it. So how can you ensure that you stay consistent and see the benefits?

A book I highly recommend is Atomic Habits by James Clear. He has habit formation nailed down and provides valuable insights. A morning routine is essentially a habit stack—a group of behaviors that you want to become automated.

Since that first task is so crucial, a key takeaway from this book is never miss two days in a row! If you miss one, get up the next day and drink your glass of water (or whatever your first task is).

Inevitably, life happens. You’ll get sick or experience massive sleep disruptions. Give yourself grace and adapt on those days. Don’t overthink it—get back on track once you’re feeling better. Since you have your routine set, it will be much easier to bounce back!

If you have long stretches of poor sleep, prioritize early bedtimes and wake up in time to complete the bare-bones version of your morning routine—your non-negotiable core habits. Always keep in mind: this is about progress, not perfection. Keep moving forward!

The Ripple Effect of a Solid Morning Routine

Alright, we’ve covered a lot about building a peaceful and productive morning routine, so let’s quickly hit the highlights:

Your morning starts the night before—set yourself up for success with a little prep.

Small habits lead to big changes—start with the essentials, then layer in the extras.

Snoozing is the enemy—getting up on time is half the battle.

Consistency > perfection—don’t let one rough morning throw you off track.

Now, it’s time to actually do the thing.

Here’s your challenge:

Take a few minutes to map out your ideal morning routine, write it down, and commit to it for one full week. See how it feels, tweak as needed, and notice how much smoother your days go when you start with intention.

If you would like to easily customize your morning routine on the computer, click here to grab your editable checklist in Canva.

Once you get your mornings in a good rhythm, it’ll be much easier to tackle other daily systemsmeal planning, cleaning, family routines, you name it. But first? Nail the morning.

So, are you in? Drop a 💪 or 🙌 in the comments if you’re committing to this challenge! Let’s do this!

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