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How Simple Daily Routines Keep Your Home Peaceful

The stay-at-home mom has a glorious role, though it is not for the faint of heart. We have much to do in a day, between feeding our people, making sure everyone is clean, clothed, and loved. This is all while keeping the home clean and attending to many other homemaking tasks throughout the days and weeks. 

Managing the home and loving the people in it are the good works that the Lord prepared for us to walk in. Though it is a lot of work, it does not have to be overwhelming. 

It requires intentionality and faithfulness–steady plodding. To do so, we need simple homemaking habits that become second nature. With the right daily routine, you can be peacefully productive as you take care of your people and maintain a tidy and calm home.

In this post, I’ll break down a realistic, flexible homemaking routine that helps you stay on top of household tasks as a stay-at-home mom without overwhelm.  I also put together a printable guide with the key tasks for mornings, midday, and evenings. You can grab it below if it helps!

This guide focuses on simple daily rhythms that keep the home going, and does not address deep cleaning or weekly resets (I’ll cover those topics in another post!).

Why Simple Daily Homemaking Routines Matter

Simple daily rhythms can have a powerful impact over time. Lets use the example of brushing your teeth. The ultimate end of brushing your teeth twice daily is significant- a healthy smile. On the other hand, neglect in this department can have catastrophic results, like gum disease and tooth decay. 

One small habit- to brush your teeth or to not- have two very different ends. It is a similar idea with homemaking habits. Small, daily habits either bless or negatively impact your home. A few examples of this:

Positive habitNegative habit
LaundryStart a load each morning, fold a load each afternoonNeglecting laundry until it piles up
DinnerPull out frozen meat in the morning for dinnerNot thinking about dinner until 4 pm. Panic!
Tidy10 minute tidy before mealsScrolling on your phone to avoid the mess as it piles (along with the laundry)

These are examples of habits that take less than 10 minutes, but have a massive impact on the day (and quite honestly, the attitude).

Routines Lighten the Mental Load of Daily Decisions

Another powerful element of having solid daily homemaking routines is that they alleviate decision fatigue

Rather than having to stop and choose what to do next, your well-thought-out decisions are already made. As a stay-at-home mom, and the manager of your home, you competently know exactly what you need to do to keep the home going. With solid daily routines, you are free to direct your energy and effort towards blessing your home and family (rather than being in constant catch-up mode!). 

Finally, homemaking routines reduce stress by keeping tasks small and manageable. For example, rather than feeling the need to do a deep clean to get the house in order, the right routines keep the home in a general state of tidyness. So let’s get started on building your daily routines, shall we? I like to break them down into morning, afternoon, and evening routines.

Morning Routine for Stay-at-Home Moms: Start Your Day Well

An intentional morning routine is the most powerful routine for the stay-at-home mom (and really, for anyone). For starters, it is well known that the first few minutes of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. This block of time has the potential to provide a foundation for a peacefully productive day. That being said, I highly recommend starting here if you don’t already have one in place.

Here are simple habit ideas that set the tone for a smooth and productive day (customize it to fit what you need):

  • Turn Off the Alarm and Sit Up When the alarm goes off, do not hit snooze! Sit on the side of the bed and drink a glass of water.
  • Make the Bed and Clear Off The Nightstand – This instantly makes the bedroom tidier.
  • Limit Phone Use – Avoid distractions and start your day with focus. Try to avoid using for at least 30 minutes.
  • Anchor Your Morning– Spend some time with the Lord before diving into the tasks of the day. Gratitude, prayer, and reading the Word are incredibly life-giving for the Christian.
  • Start a Load of Laundry – One load a day prevents laundry overwhelm.
  • Unload the Dishwasher – Keeps dishes from piling up.
  • Quick Bathroom Refresh – Wipe the sink, replace towels, and empty trash if needed.
  • 5-Minute Dinner Prep – Thaw meat, and gather ingredients for the evening.

This is a very abbreviated version of a morning routine. Whatever you decide to prioritize, write your routine on a list in an order that makes sense to you. Each morning, enjoy moving through it as you wake up for the day. 

For more details about how to personalize this to fit your home and needs as a stay-at-home mom, see my post here. I take you step-by-step through creating an effective and peaceful morning routine and help you think through how to shape it to fit your needs. I also made a handy (and pretty) morning routine guide that you can edit and print for free.

💡 Pro Tip: Keep a morning homemaking list visible until it becomes a habit.

Midday Routine for Stay-at-Home Moms: Stay on Top of the Mess

By the time the middle of the day comes around for the stay-at-home mom, it can be tempting to check out. The morning block is finished, perhaps the children are in rest time, and lunchtime is over (or almost over). 

I am a firm believer that every stay-at-home mom needs time to rest and do something enjoyable each day (this ought to be a part of your routine!). 

That being said, it is important to have a few habits that wrap up the first part of the day and prepare you to peacefully move into your evening.

Some ideas for midday habits that can keep your evening manageable are:

  • 10-Minute Tidy Before Lunch – Clear counters and pick up around the house. Include your children here if able!
  • Quick Wipe-Downs – Clean kitchen counters and high-traffic areas. We like to do this right after lunch.
  • Check the Laundry – Fold and put away clothes from the morning load.
  • 20-Minute Dinner Prep – Chop veggies during naptime or downtime.
  • Late Afternoon Reset – After rest time, and before free time, have kids tidy their play area and set the table for dinner.

These midday habits can easily be tacked onto other tasks that you already do as a stay-at-home mom (also known as habit stacking, per James Clear in Atomic Habits–a great read. Highly recommend it!). 

For example, as you put away lunch items, wipe down the counters. Perhaps you recruit one of your children to help you sweep. 

Another example, once you put your children in rest time, pop your earbuds in and listen to a favorite book or podcast while you fold and put away laundry (10 minutes). Take another 20 minutes to do a little dinner prep.

I know I do better when I have a visual reminder, so I made a printable guide with these routines laid out. If its helpful, you can keep it on the fridge as a quick reference throughout the day. Feel free to print one for yourself!

A Related Side Note

It will bless your home, your children, and your soul to prioritize a household rest time in the afternoon. This is easy when they’re little and have afternoon naps. Once your little ones drop the nap, simply merge that time into a rest time where they look at books or play quietly in a room (without your help). 

In our home, the baby and toddler sleep, and our older ones are in separate spaces for down-time. They read, do homework, listen to an audiobook, or play quietly until rest time is over. 

This blesses our introverts with a little bit of quiet, and helps our extroverts learn to play alone contentedly. And mom gets some time to rest, exercise, focus on a task, or whatever the season of life calls for (sometimes, its a nap!). It is good for everyone’s soul, and so we will do this no matter what age our children are. 

If you don’t have afternoon rest time incorporated into your day, I highly recommend it. Your sweet kiddos can certainly be taught to do this over time. This midday quiet is so incredibly helpful (and I would say, crucial) for the stay-at-home mom.

💡 Pro Tip: Listen to a favorite podcast or audiobook while doing midday chores.

Evening Routine for Stay-at-Home Moms: Reset for a Fresh Start

I say this often, but your morning routine starts at night. That’s right—if you want your morning to run smoothly, the preparation starts the night before. 

Ask yourself: What simple things can I do tonight to make tomorrow easier? The fewer decisions you have to make (or things you have to track down), the calmer your morning will feel. Once you’ve got your morning routine mapped out, think through how to make each step of your morning routine simpler. Be kind to your sleepy self!

For example, if you would like to workout first thing in the morning, pick out your workout and lay out your clothes the night before. If you prefer a slower start and would like to have coffee in hand first thing, prep your coffee the night before so that all you have to do is hit the start button in the morning. 

Here are some simple, practical ways to set yourself up for a peaceful and productive morning routine:

  • Kitchen Closeout Routine. Wash dishes, wipe counters, sweep the floor, set up the coffee pot. Include the family here if you are able!
  • 5-Minute Family Pick-Up. Get everyone involved in tidying before bed. A tidy home at night = a more peaceful start to the next day.
  • Lay Out Tomorrow’s Essentials. Prep outfits, bags, and meals for a smoother morning.
  • Review Your Calendar and Make Your To-Do Lis. I like to do this the night before to alleviate any decision fatigue the next day. Rather than trying to figure it out in the busyness of the day, I already know what needs to be prioritized.
  • Go to Sleep at a Reasonable Time. This is probably one of the most crucial things you can do to set yourself up for success the next day. Aim for 8 hours of sleep, and be self-disciplined here!

💡 Pro Tip: Avoid screen time for at least 30-60 minutes before bed. Scrolling or watching a screen stimulates the mind and makes it much more difficult to wind down at night. Instead, opt for calming activities like reading or a warm shower that help you fall asleep.

How to Make Your Daily Homemaking Routines Work for You

Every homemaker’s daily routines will look different. Not to mention, your daily routines will shift over time based on the season of life that you’re in! So while it can be helpful to glean from other people’s ideas and systems, it’s important to adapt your routines to fit what you need. I go into this in more detail here where I talk about customizing your morning routine.

Stay-at-Home Moms with Little Ones

This is the time to get creative! First of all, be realistic with your time. Make sure that your days have margin, and leave plenty of time for interrupted tasks in your day. Remember that your children are gifts from the Lord, and loving and nurturing them is the most important thing you can do among all of the tasks in your day. In 15 years, you will not care about how much laundry you got done.

 Relationships are and always will take precedence over managing your home. In fact, you are seeking to manage your home well so that the people and relationships in it can thrive. Don’t lose sight of this, dear mama. Remember, your daily routines are made to serve you–you are not a slave to your routine. 

They are meant to provide the structure you need to keep the home moving forward, but things do not always go as planned. That is normal and good. Trust the Lord with what He brings to your day (He is wise, good, and He loves you). Be grateful that you have a bit of a framework that will help you bounce back, and get back at it when you can.

Once you nail down your morning routine, come up with your midday and evening routines that will fit your phase of life and serve your family most. Start with the non-negotiables (i.e., feeding, bathing, and clothing your little flock), and think of little systems that can help you accomplish those things. 

Some examples:

  • If you’re not one of those who bathes your children each night, label your bath nights (this may change seasonally, depending on how much your kiddos are outside). 
  • Decide how you will meal plan (more on this later!), and have systems throughout your day that help you get dinner on the table at a set time. 
  • Create your laundry system (start, fold, and put away one load a day). 
  • Involve kids in simple chores, and train them over time in how to help you along the way (eventually, they will be a great help to you!). 
  • You can add on from there as you’re able!

Work-from-Home Moms

It is not easy to work from home while managing it! But, the Lord gave you this home to run and family to love. So let’s figure out a way to do that with joy, shall we? 

Your daily routines will most likely look like chipping away at tasks between work breaks, rather than accomplishing very much all at once. I recommend waking up earlier than everyone else in your home with a solid and very intentionally laid-out morning routine (see my article on how to do this). Let the early morning be a time to anchor your heart and then to be productive before everyone wakes up and work begins. And then chip away at everything else in the nooks and crannies of your day. 

Don’t forget to smile at your husband and precious children! You are his glory, and your love means the world to them all. 

💡 Pro Tip: Keep routines realistic and flexible to avoid burnout.

Creating a Daily Homemaking Routine You Can Stick To

It is without question that every stay-at-home mom needs solid daily routines to peacefully and joyfully manage the home well. But truly, a good routine is only as helpful as it is realistic, applied, and maintained.

Here are some ways that you can ensure your routines stick:

  • Start with One Routine at a Time – Master morning routines before adding more.
  • Pair Routines with Existing Habits, AKA habit stacking– (e.g., wipe the sink after brushing your teeth).
  • Use Timers When Necessary – Set a 5- or 10-minute timer for quick tasks to stay on track.
  • Make It Enjoyable – Play music, light a candle, or listen to a podcast while cleaning.
  • Be Flexible – Life happens! Skip what you need and pick up where you left off. The good news about having systems is that there will be another day where you can accomplish tasks that you missed. Your consistency beforehand will help carry you through hiccups.

💡 Pro Tip: Progress over perfection. Some days will be messy—and that’s okay!

Simple Daily Routines = A Home That Runs Smoothly

My fellow stay-at-home moms, you are doing good and noble work. The effort that you pour into your home and family has eternal significance. You are shaping souls, and you are seeking to cultivate a home where your people can flourish. Your family is blessed!

It is often by trial and error, and we stumble along the way. But the Lord gently leads those who are with young (Isaiah 40:11), and will surely complete this good work that He’s begun in you.

I hope that this article blesses your home and helps you do this good work that is in front of you. Please remember, homemaking is not about perfection. Proverbs 14: 4 says, “Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.” 

Perfect order is not attainable in a home full of people! And that should not be the aim. These routines and systems are meant to help you accomplish what needs to be done and to foster an enjoyable home to live and dwell in. 

Routines Build Your Homemaking Skills as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Hopefully, routines can also provide some momentum to help you grow in your homemaking skills. Over time, they also help you learn to love the work that must be done. How could you learn to love such difficult work? 

Well, as you embrace motherhood and your God-given role, you are creating a warm home and shaping souls. And you get to cultivate the wholesome haven that your family loves to be a part of. That is a worthy endeavor, my friends. 

So let us not grow weary in doing good! Remember, start small, build momentum, and enjoy the process!

What are some systems that you’ve incorporated in your home? Share your best homemaking tips below!

What are some systems that you would like help thinking through? What is your biggest struggle with routines? Drop a comment below and let me know!

If having a visual reminder would be helpful, I put together a simple printable guide. Feel free to print it out and use it however works best for you!

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What is a simple homemaking routine?

These are routines that help you accomplish the many tasks that need to be done as a stay-at-home mom every day. They are rhythmically throughout the day (morning, afternoon, evening), and help you move through your day with greater competence and ease as a homemaker.

How do I create a daily schedule as a stay-at-home mom?

If you don’t have much of a schedule now, start with your morning routine! I am a big believer in starting here. Once you decide what you want to include in your morning routine, write it down and post it where you can see it, and then implement it. Once you get used to doing this for a couple of weeks, you can add on.

What are some tips for Christian homemakers?

  • Embrace your God-given role as a wife, mother, and homemaker. Learn to love your people well, and learn to love doing the things that must be done–because of what its unto. 
  • Trust the Lord with what He brings into your day in his goodness, wisdom, and love. Routines and plans get derailed, and that is a normal part of life. Take care of the needs, love your people, love your Lord, and get back on routine when you can. Be happy you have systems that help you bounce back!
  • Its a joy to learn to pursue your calling with excellence! Keep going after figuring out how to do it well and growing in your skills as a homemaker. Gaining greater competence is a self-fulfilling prophecy- you get better and find what works for you, and so you want to keep going. You do, and so you continue to improve. Your home thrives. Your family is blessed, and so are you! 

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